Taskrabbit: Personal Outsourcing

TaskrabbitIf you’re going to live on the road, at some point or another, you’ll probably find yourself lacking the time to do mundane things like errands and housework.   Fortunately, in today’s well-connected world, finding help is easy.  The first service I’ve tried is Taskrabbit, and so far, I’m thoroughly pleased.

You can post tasks such as “do my laundry”, “wash my dishes”, “assemble my IKEA furniture”, “bring me a gallon of milk”, etc.  When you post your task, you note how much you’re willing to pay.  You can either let Taskrabbit automatically assign someone (referred to as a “Taskrabbit”) who offers the lowest bid within your budget, or you can choose to monitor and answer the bids personally.  Once a Taskrabbit is selected, you make whatever arrangements are necessary.  All payments, including reimbursements for expenses and any tips you might like to leave, are handled through the Taskrabbit service using a credit card.  You don’t need to exchange cash with your Taskrabbit.  The service runs background checks on Taskrabbits so you can be reasonably assured that the stranger mopping your floor isn’t a serial killer.

I used Taskrabbits last week to collect some forms from the DMV and to wash my dishes, freeing me to work on a project I’d been putting off.  I posted these tasks with only a few hours’ notice, and received bids within my budget.  Both Taskrabbits were prompt and professional.  If you have more tasks on your plate than you have time, Taskrabbits may be able to lighten your load.  The service is currently available in New York City, Boston, Chicago, Austin, San Antonio, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland (OR), and Seattle.

If you’re going to try Taskrabbit, you can use this link and we’ll both get $10 credit.


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